IOI Galapagos endemic and native garden project

(Marc Martorell – Conservation Department Coordinator)

In cooperation with the Galapagos National Park, IOI has designed and built a garden with native and endemic species of Isabela Island. The garden was built with local soil and used materials such as  volcanic rocks and gravel for delineations of flower beds, trails, and planters.

The main objective of the project is to set an example and create an educational tool for the community.  To that extent, phase two of the project will have a community outreach component. We are using our  eco-park to serve as a model for our green city gardens project, in which our staff and volunteers are reaching out to encourage and assist local families to establish gardens around their homes. 

Within this project we are planting several species that are currently growing in nurseries in the  highlands via our cooperation with the Galapagos National Park. These species are chosen depending on  their ability to adapt and survive in the coastal region.

In executing the project we had the help of students from the Fray Agustin de Azkunaga Highschool (within a project between the Ministry of Education of Ecuador and the Galapagos National Park) and students of the University of Miami as part of their service learning projects.

The main species we are choosing for the project are:

  • 4 species of mangroves: White (Laguncularia racemosa), Jelí or botton (Conocarpus erectus), Black (Avicennia germinans), Red (Rhizophora mangle)

  • Algarrobo – Prosopia juliflora

  • Jelicillo – Dodonea viscosa

  • Rodilla de caballo – Clerodendrum molle

  • Uva de playa – Scaveola plumieri

  • Muyuyo – Cordia lutea

  • Chala – Croton scouleri

  • Pega-pega – Pisonia floribunda

  • Verdolaga – Portulaca oleracea

  • Nolana – Nolana galapagensis

  • Cactus Opuntia– Cactaceae Opuntia

  • Escalesia – Scalesia cordata